EGY XXX b - Python for Time Series Analysis


Course outline (under review)



Part I: Fundamentals of time series:


1.                    White noise series, univariate stationary and integrated non-stationary random series

2.                    Backshift operator, backwards difference operator, and the roots of the characteristic equation of a time series

3.                    Define a time series through a general linear filter of another stationary random series (particularly of a white noise series)

4.                    Established time series models: stationary autoregressive (AR), moving average (MA), autoregressive moving average (ARMA) nonstationary integrated (ARIMA) models

5.                    Random walks with and without drift, particularly those with normally distributed increments

6.                    A short introduction to multivariate time series models, in particular VAR model

7.                    Cointegrated processes

8.                    Estimation, diagnosis and identification of time series models

9.                    Heteroskedastic (GARCH), non-stationary (e.g. regression with stationary errors) time series models

10.              Applications of time series models and forecasts from time series data using Box-Jenkins method and extrapolation

11.              Smoothing techniques applied to time series and seasonal adjustment


Part II: Econometric Forecasting:


12.              Modelling Trends, Seasonality and Cycles

13.              Graphic Method of Forecasting

14.              One-step-ahead forecast

15.              Point forecast

16.              Forecast Interval

17.              Vector Autoregressive Model

18.              Granger Causality

19.              Scenarios Analysis and Impulse Response Function